Services & Fees
Mare Services
- Dry mare board - $20/day
- Wet mare board - $22/day
- Ai per cycle/fresh - $325.00
- Ai per cycle/cooled - $350.00
- AI per cycle/frozen - $400.00
- Ai per cycle/deep horn - $100.00
Embryo Work
- Per cycle/positive flush - $750 (includes breeding)
- Per cycle/negative flush - $650 (includes breeding)
- Embryo process and shipping - $500.00
- Embryo processed and froze - $300.00
Stallion Services
- Stallion Board - $28/day
- Collect, Evaluate, Clean Out - $200
- Collect, evaluate and test cool - $250
- Collect, evaluate, and freeze - $550/per ejaculate
- Collect, evaluate, failed freeze - $300
- Collect, evaluate, process to ship - $500/shipping included
- Phantom training - $600
- Stallion refusal - $200
Liquid Nitrogen
- Fill personal tanks - $3/pound
- Maintain personal storage tanks - $10/month
- Semen storage:
0-200 straws - $25/month
201 + straws - $0.11/per straw per month - Packing stored semen for shipment - $50.00
- Shipping frozen semen - $500/if tank is available call for questions
Bovine services
- Cow/heifer board - $12.50/day
- Bovine AI service - $75/head (includes medications, CIDR, heat detection, AI. Semen is NOT included - please contact the office)
- Super Ovulation for Embryo transfer work - contact office